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Steller Floors Quick Start

Spotlight Demonstrations of Our Amazing Hardwood Floors


Steller Solid Hardwood Floors are Shockingly Easy

Steller Floors are so easy to install & repair that we left Master Builder, Matt Risinger, gobsmacked.

Since then, general contractors, concert musicians, DIY homeowners, accountants, and more have learned how to install - and love - Steller Floors in 3 Easy Steps: 

  1. Attach Clips to Planks
  2. Align and Assemble Planks using a Mallet or a Stomp
  3. Enjoy your Steller Hardwood Flooring

Steller Solid Hardwood Floors are Shockingly Easy

Steller Floors are so easy that we left Master Builder, Matt Risinger, gobsmacked.

Since then, general contractors, concert musicians, DIY homeowners, accountants, and more have learned how to install - and love - Steller Floors in 3 Easy Steps: 

  1. Attach Clips to Planks
  2. Align and Assemble Planks using a Mallet or a Stomp
  3. Enjoy your Steller Hardwood Flooring
Easy, Authentic, Beautiful: Floors by Steller

See Steller Floors Showcases & Video Interviews & Testimonials

1. Attach Steller Clips to Solid Wood Planks

Demonstrating how to attach a Steller Clip to a Steller Wood Plank

2. Align & Assemble using a Mallet or Stomp

Join Steller Planks Using a Mallet or a Stomp

3. Enjoy Your Steller Hardwood Flooring

Planks are easily removed and replaced using a simple suction cup
Eager for More Install & Care Details? - Discover the Knowledge Hub

Authentic Beauty

Steller Floors are Real Hardwood

6 Solid Wood Species & a Range of Finishes to Suit Your Aesthetic.

Easy Install & Care

Steller Floors are Easy to Install 

Assemble DIY or with Your Favorite Local Contractor.

Extraordinary Value

Invest in the Highest Quality

Made 100% in the USA Using Craftsmanship

Steller Floors Pricing

Cost-Competitive with Alternatives

Steller Floors have Amazing Lifetime Value at Amazing Prices.