What do I do when my Steller Floor reaches a wall?
Finishing your Steller Floor is just as easy as getting started!
Steller Floors are solid hardwood floors that float over the subfloor without nails or glue. When you get started along the first wall, you can use a box cutter to cut an arm off a clip, or you can simply leave the plank laying on the floor next to the gasket spacer underneath the baseboard. But if your room width is not evenly divisible by five inches, you might wonder: what do you do when you reach the opposite wall?
When you reach the opposite wall
1) Rip a board lengthwise to fit the remaining space using a table saw.
2) Apply the sealant that we sent with your order to seal fresh cut edges.
3) Lay the final edge on the subfloor without a final clip, pressed up against the gasket under the baseboard of the opposite wall.
Pro Tip: If you don't want to finish your floor up against the final wall (maybe you left your trim hanging and you can't snap the last plank straight down), you can stop assembling planks four or five rows short of the final wall. Complete steps 1 and 2 above bur preassemble the final rows and push them against the final wall. Then, snap down the fourth or fifth row with standard 5-inch wide planks.
Reach out for Steller Support!
We are here to help you with your flooring project and if any questions begin to vex you, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We can help you troubleshoot over the phone, by email, or by zoom appointment! 1-800-955-7671 or support@floorsbysteller.com