Transparency is simple for us
Sustainable Sourcing
Solid woods from our region are some of the most sustainable materials on Earth. All of our materials are sourced from secondary-regrowth forests in temperate areas, never from rainforests or the tropics.
100% of our on-site electricity is sourced from Wind sources without the use of carbon credits. Our waste is distributed in our community for heat or for animal bedding.
Our reusable, long-lived PVC clips are sourced regionally, contain no plasticizers, and are designed to last longer than 20 years. At the end of their use in your floor they can be re-used in another floor, or recycled.
Circular & Carbon Opportunities
Is your floor circular? A Steller Floor is circular when it is reused, refinished, and re-sold. Every Steller Plank is designed to live for 100 years or more.
All told, the carbon footprint of a Steller Floor is carbon negative because our floors store more carbon than is emitted during its manufacturing. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you reduce embodied carbon and improve sustainability in your flooring projects!
Craftsmanship & Living Wages
In order to craft your Steller Floors to precision tolerances, we are committed to promoting living and competitive wages at craft-based careers throughout the supply chain.
When blue collar workers in forestry and wood product manufacturing have a chance to earn family-sustaining wages, it improves the quality of your floor and it helps sustainability grow in rural Pennsylvania communities.
At Steller Floors, green jobs are local jobs, and living wages are an investment that we make in more sustainable communities.

“Our team almost knows too much about how floors affect the planet. Today, we’re determined to put that information to good use by making the most sustainable floors ever.”
Dr. Britta Teller, CSO
Steller Certifications
COC Certification
Interested in Chain-of-custody? Just let us know, and we can provide certification on any of our North American Hardwoods.
ILFI Declare Labels
Working on a Living Building Challenge? Reach out to us to find out more about how Steller Floors can contribute to your certifications.
LEED Project Credits
BDC/IDC Sourcing Raw Materials (2), Embodied Carbon (1), Material Ingredient Optimization (1)
IDC Design for Flexibility and Disassembly (2)
LEED Innovation Timber Traceability (1), Low-carbon Building Materials (2), Circular Products (1)
Net-Zero EPD
Keep your eyes peeled! We are producing an industry-leading Environmental Product Declaration.