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Exquisite Luxury

Steller Heirloom Luxe

With some simple math you can see that with a Steller Floor, you can often save enough money on installation and lifetime maintenance to afford a really, really nice floor. So, if you're looking to live on a really beautiful floor that you'll treasure, the Heirloom Luxe line of Steller Floors is breathtaking.
It is our privilege and honor to craft Heirloom Luxe floors.
Easy, Authentic, Beautiful: Floors by Steller

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DIY Residential Floor with Walnut
Pricing Starts at $19.99/sf++

Why Heirloom Luxe by Steller?

When combine Steller Floors' Amazing Innovation and High Luxury you get something really, really special. And, our experts understand how to take craftsmanship to the max. Then, your flooring project will be the peak combination of innovation and craftsmanship. 

  • Exceptional Species Offerings Luxe Species include Walnut, Hickory, and White Oak in 3/4" thickness. 
  • Additional Quality & Stability - within the Luxe Line, species and Quartersawn varieties have additional hardness and/or stability which is preferable for long-lived products.
  • Ask About Special Orders - In addition to the species we regularly work with, we would be happy to check market availability for other North American options including Quartersawn Red Oak, Cherry and Maple - among others.

Extraordinary Beauty

When you are planning a show-stopping flooring project, Heirloom Luxe by Steller is the mark to beat

Without any dispute, Heirloom Luxe Steller Floors are the most beautiful and rare floors that we make. With exceptional precision and charismatic grain, they're undoubtedly among the best floors on Earth.