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Amazing, Real Wood Floors
Dark Colors

Dark Hardwood Floors

No floor can be as distinctive and memorable as a dark hardwood floor.  Choose dark hardwood floors if you love comfortable and warm spaces indoors, and consider your home a refuge from a bright and busy exterior.
Easy, Authentic, Beautiful: Amazing Solid Hardwood Floors by Steller

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Why Dark Hardwood Floors?

Calming & Cozy

Dark flooring causes an instinctive response in people to help them feel warm and safe. Perfect for folks who want a space to feel very welcoming.


Dark colored floors make a strong statement and help bright furniture and trim stand out. Use these floors when you love to make a strong impression with your design.

Notably Upscale

Historically, dark tones are well-known for use in sacred spaces including richly appointed boardrooms and offices or dens, bedrooms and studios. In larger areas, dark floors convey the same importance and draw people into the space.

Shop Dark Steller Floors Samples